Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Case Conference: The Economy Redirect, A Metaphor to a Healing Business--a health & wellness research scientist's perspective - November, 2008

Here is my take on our declining economy. It is an intersection between business and the economy, and health, healing and wellness. I would appreciate comments. Also note: ironically, I am constantly improving on my writing skills... LOL.

Stating the obvious: We are in a declining economy. The health of this economy and it prognosis is poor. Of course with new governmental leadership euphorically pervading our minds, the economic woes afflicting us seems like the new leadership are Emergency Room Physicians and Triage healthcare workers whose only goal is to stabilize the situation. This occurrence is the system of real-time emergency room healthcare and it is the standard of healthcare--to stabilize the patient. With the credentials of our new leadership, the traumatic accident is staved, but along with that comes a cacophony of being in the intensive care unit (ICU), rehabilitation treatments, physical therapy and recovery. Additionally, the lifestyle changes and caregiver support systems are required to uplift this economy to functionality with a quality of life.

It seems as if there was a physical "risk assessment" completed with this patient (the electorate, citizens, etc) long ago. However, the patient consciously decided to not adhere to the directives made by the primary care provider. Unfortunately, it seems that is patient contracted a cancer, but it was non-invasive, benign, and it was treatable. The patient entered into a course of chemotherapeutics, however choose not to adhere to the full regimen of treatment. As this patient aged, the cancer metastasized (spread), then the economy showed symptoms of cardiovascular disease, particularly atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries due to increase bad cholesterol). Immediate metabolic and statin drugs were added along with the therapeutics and we were told to make lifestyle adjustments. However, as before, non-adherence to the regimen reappeared and we decided to pursue a quick and easy way for a course of treatment not peer reviewed by clinical trials.

Then the economy underwent a cerebrocardiovascular accident with congestive heart, kidney and lung failure--a meltdown--along with a more aggressive and pervasive cancer (greed) and our patient now shows up into the ER. The ER physicians are unclear what medications and treatments where administered or taken because medical records are inconsistent from the patients complaints. The underlying causes for this course of diseases are unknown and the prognosis seems grim at this time. Moreover, this patient requires specialist and expert attention, which its insurance does not cover.

And there is a silver lining--at least the patient was seen and is in critical condition. Blessings that at least we have that, yet we have to have the patience of the Christian Biblical Job as our specialists and experts tirelessly operate.

What is interesting about this case is that ONLY the body has been "stabilized" in this patient. Healthcare providers might argue that the unregulated business practices tanked this economy... While business entities claim sky-rocketing healthcare costs and health illiteracy caused the downfall of the economy...

Yet, something tells me that we have divorced ourselves from the idea that maybe we need to redirect our focus to a healing economy--particularly a holistic healing economy--not just that of the body, but of the mind and spirit.

The adage that business is only worth doing if it is good enough to make money needs an evolved and enlightened thought pattern. That mentality is toxic, requires waste management and has a foul odor.

After we have gotten the patient out of critical care ICU and into Rehab/Physical Therapy and Recovery, we need to reinvent the basics of lifestyle changes in living with chronic conditions, particular that of greed despite others (the cancer) and anger, mental stress, aggression and pain (the cerebrocardiovascular disease with concomitant organ failure). Inherently we treat the embodiments of the spirit and the mind when we treat these two conditions that have pervaded the economy for a more holistic healing economy. The upfront costs are steep, however if it is not done, the accident costs are more...

Greed is a human condition. In America we live in a disposable and instant gratification society. "Mother Necessity" drives the passion and it has gotten us far. Yet we have forgotten and neglected our introspective history as to how we arrived to this place. Moreover we have chosen to be untempered in our decisions. It is likened to a crack addict that leads to self-destruction. Greed is a result of impulsive ambition. During economic lulls, ambition is needed, in fact encouraged. However, during crisis as fears set in, the pathological symptoms of greed replaces ambition. When the pathological environment is rife with greed, the checks and balances to it are unstable. The balance to greed, from a Zen perspective, is Generosity--giving of oneself and service to a greater cause to those less able to give...

Anger, mental stress, aggression and pain is a motive force. We use anger physiologically in the fight/flight response. That means anger is a survival tactic. Eons ago when our ancestors lived in caves and were predated, we use our anger to protect ourselves. The other greatest gifts we had that we controlled and bridled that anger, which gave us power to act--thoughtfully... Since human brains and their remarkable memory capacity evolved through empirical (trial and error) to fight or take flight from our predators, our ancestors strength was to recall our efforts how to combat or take paths leading to our survival. The downside to anger is that this emotion is addictive and highly intoxicating--it provides us an exhilarating amount of energy (albeit short-lived) to the point we feel an invincible power--indestructible, unreplacable--a pious delusion of grandeur. Anger fools us into thinking we are gods, which inevitably the Spirits and the Universe actually destabilizes our arrogance...

"To whom the gods wish to destroy, they must first make them angry..."
~Roman Proverb

In America, we live in a society that exhaust our nonrenewable energy resource, unbridled anger (rage) to drive inappropriate behaviors manifested as crimes. Rage has been well known to cause mental stress, aggression and pain. When enraged, a host of physiological and molecular responses are recorded that lead to chronic stressors, namely that of physical pain in back, neck, sexual dysfunction, heart damage, stroke, etc. Rage can lead to hate and destroy everything in its wake. Nothing renews after rage and hate. That is it, life goes extinct. To bridle that rage is to respond in loving-kindness so that a soothing peace and serenity quiets to hurt and pain. Conscious attention is brought to the forefront by mindfully tapping into the spirit centers either by prayer/salutation/invocation/meditation. Conscious focus is nonreactive, a buffer readily accessed by breath. That was the only medical treatment our ancestors had to temper anger. Controlled anger can provide a powerful tool in business to bring about passion and change and action on a major insurmountable challenge. And we can achieve a better work in a new Age and Era of transition with this tool. And this tool has to be controlled.

In business we use the motive forces, ambition and anger to survive economies. However, we are only using discordant pieces of mind, body or spirit. All 3 pieces are in harmony with each other, like a highly stylized dance or sporting activity. As such to employ all 3 we require practice.

Business drives how we connect and interact with one another, Universally--mind, body and spirit. In American society, we can no longer afford business tactics to be solely based on profit. We need to have a soul in business grounded in community service for our customer base.

Healing business enriches love and joy made visible by human pursuits of happiness; help to integrate contact with one another through healing, balance and serenity; it is a permanent human bond presented in an original product/service; serves as a meditation for life's purpose.

Civic engagement is a healing business; a path to encompass a healing energy for prosperity.


Dr. G-
Research Scientist
Ariafya LLC
Founding Member and President

The aforementioned blog are professional opinions solely expressed as my own without professional peer review and are not intended for the use or practice of any business or medical treatment.

Learning from Community Health Fairs--from April, 2009


Why? ZERO FOLLOW UP!!! What is the point to finding someone's high blood pressure when that might be a one-time value, you have no course of treatment, you do not know if they will come back, I guess, you suck it up and move forward...

Now the doctor's that treat the uninsured on 60 minutes, that is NOT what I am talking about. That is full physical, with some type of old school "military-like" review and immediately treat as much as you possibly can. It makes clinicians feel decent about their care they give to the broader community. No, I am NOT talking about that kind of "health fair"...

I am talking about the little old lady at the haunted house who thinks one day to her group, that "HEY, let's test blood and pee and tell everyone that about their health!" But she has not seen day 1 of Cecil's or Harrison's, understands what H2O is, or 2nd Law of Thermodynamics. But somehow SHE knows that is would be nice to have a Health Fair for her "special" group...

What is so wonderful about most clinicians is if they have the time, they do love to educate their patients on what ails them. With the current health care situation, that is tough to do. So when you have clinicians and health educators for that matter, and they take their precious time to present topics of health interests, they deserve to be heard. Unfortunately, that is not what the patients or caregivers want to hear...

I attended an excellent presentation funded by NARSAD, and several clinicians at a major university presented their current understanding of neuropsychiatric research. While quite technical for the majority of the audience, I myself had a wonderful time! However, then the Q&A started, people asked questions about their loved one's failing to get care, rather than expounding or clarifying their research presentations. It was quite sad. Because anyone could see that at least the clinicians made the effort to speak to a layperson group with full powerpoint slide, but the group could care less about that and moreover questioned how come no herbal supplements were not used, rather than the underlying mechanisms leading to mental illness brain disorders...

The intent on having Health Fairs are generally well-meaning, most organizers truly want to improve their community's health. However, consideration must be given when having active laboratory type testing and the inability to provide follow up leading to improve outcomes and quality of care. Why do it when the patient more often than not does not understand why health changes must be enacted, or is not motivated to change to a healthier behavior? Another question is when the provider has not ordered these tests, what is the expected health outcome without furthering cost? Finally, more often than not community groups are not health organizations, they are stringing along several other forces to discuss the topic "du jour" without understand the whole body process toward disease.

It is our duty as health care workers to accurately inform our client based that aligns with the latest evidence-based peer-reviewed research and our prescribe methods of quality of care. Since I am not a physician, I would not tell anyone to go against their providers instructions. I certainly would not tell them online, beyond making an appointment to speak to their providers. However, I can equip them with some basic understanding about their health condition, compel them to seek their providers' assistance, and motivate them to reach their desired health. In essence, I can coach them, and in that way alone, IMHO, having a Health FORUM works just like all clinicians and providers desire.

After having 5 years worth of health forums in a major urban center I have learned the following:

  • Talk about 3 varied easy topics where health societies can bring back up support

  • Due to strong resistance and gross non-adherence have physicians speak to the groups for 30 minutes

  • Health forum activities need to be done at a healthcare site or if a health fair, for liabilities, the activity must be done at a healthcare site, i.e. hospital meeting rooms, so that if a participant is injured, the is care provisions in place.

  • Compelling reasons must be noted with health forum participants in urban settings, they can be arranged by coaching or patient navigators.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at your earliest convenience.


Dr. Gina M.-S.
Ariafya LLC
Founding Member and President

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Have a business idea for my community

I have come to realize that my brand, GYM Right Health/Wellness Coaching needs explanations to most people first or there will be misunderstandings about the expectations of what coaching really provides.

Health/Wellness coaching provides reaching goals related to health, such as eating healthier and fitness. Where we cross with Life Coaches is decreasing stress. Most of my clients have stated they want to decrease their stress. Interestingly, NONE of them have an idea of how to do that, and what works for them! Granted fitness will decrease stress when done properly, i.e. 3X week, >30 minutes, with cardio, calisthenics and isometrics. BUT, very few of my clients get to that level.

Here's the caveat: Most of my clients are African American descent... Some are very healthy and needed boosters. Some are not as healthy and probably don't need a coach, but a whole slew of clinical professionals. While I am not a clinician, I do hold a PhD in molecular genetics. My dissertation was on reducing cholesterol at the molecular genetic level using stem cells. Since that time, my research has focused on molecular cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and aging. I have published scientific articles. So, I will be coaching from a purview of the latest research proven to work for people by clinical trials. That means my clients get the benefit of health/wellness coaching as well as innovations from the latest research!

My idea to expand my local efforts is to hold a multivariate health forum that includes a very brief informational/interest meeting on GYM Right Health/Wellness Coaching, stating what services I provide and to sign up for a 15 minutes introductory session that I charge a nominal fee of $25 + tax.

Afterward, if they choose to move forward, I will start with my codes for the purchase of a 6 session minimum, at $120 + tax 1st session due to timing, $60 + tax X 5 sessions = $420 + tax total.

The health forum will also include presentations by physicians, local health advocacy groups and expectations upon needing a provider in managing chronic illnesses. I have done these events several times previously of which I have won awards. And I am exhausted doing them when I am NOT getting paid to do them, nor am I doing them alone again!

Well, that is my idea for my business brand or expression!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

What do you do when you are depressed?

What do you do when you are depressed? Do you cry profusely? Are you combative? How do you handle your depression? What does depression look like to you?

I am in recovery from bipolar disorder II (hypomania), which a part of it is depression. Clinical depression is a medical illness. It is a psychiatric medical disease and when left untreated, can lead to extremely negative outcomes, such as suicide or worse.

Depression is different from the occasional "blues". Daily life pains are something every rational person manages. Clinical depression is NOT that. Depression symptoms last a long time (~2 weeks or longer). People can become depressed for hardly any reason at all, but usually there is an onset or "the straw that broke the camel's back". A depressed person may function normally for months, and then when a major stressor occurs, that is when one and caregivers need to realize the drop. A depressed person usually does not get out of bed, but unable to sleep, uninterested in activities that s/he use to find enjoyable. The depressed person often says extremely negative comments, and personalizes simple comments with inaccurate perceptions, such as someone could just say "BOO", and the depressed person becomes extremely angry or sad, then completely shuts down rational faculties. And the behavior is occurs over a consistent period of time. It is similar to an adult temper tantrum but there is no time out...

What can be done: Both the depressed person and the caregivers need resources and support. The depressed person has to come to a realization that s/he needs assistance and seek that assistance. The caregiver cannot force someone who is not harming others or her/himself. The only way a clinically depressed person can be arrested, is under those condition and even those laws still are enacted by a judge who might have psychiatric evaluation and there MIGHT be care. It is easier when the depressed person is under 18 years old. But that says nothing about the cultural competency and the understanding where the psychological problems are derived. A psychiatrist, who is a physician, has the medical expertise enough to diagnose depression. The other clinicians can treat depression and are useful for specific tasks.

The other clinicians are:

  1. Psychiatrists
  2. Psychiatric nurses ARNP
  3. Clinical Psychologist - that studies human behaviors & their evolution, they treat based on theories on the basis thoughts
  4. Social Workers - generally includes Master's Level MSW, LiCSW, LCSW, etc. They are on the therapy frontlines, the first line of defense. Most HMO's will require clients to work with them

Other people can be found in the book by Terrie Williams, "Black Pain".

For caregivers: DO NOT CONVINCE your ADULT depressed loved one that they MUST see someone. Why get into a The time to get involved is when s/he intends to harm others or her/himself. Intended harm to oneself means there is a "PLAN OF ACTION"--such as, all the majority depression symptoms as previously described. There are more depression symptoms on WebMD. Also when s/he says "I'm so stupid, I can't get anything right. Do you have any pills to help me sleep?" Or s/he says "I need some razor blades" Or s/he says "If only I could use my gun or maybe I can jump off this bridge". IF YOU HEAR THOSE COMMENTS OR SIMILAR, THE DEPRESSED PERSON IS IN CRISIS AND YOU NEED TO CALL 9-1-1 AND 1-800-SUICIDE!!! LET THE LICENSED PROFESSIONAL HANDLE THE BEHAVIOR AND MAKE THE DIAGNOSIS!!!

Usually, the untreated depressed person is disheveled, her/his eating behavior is off--i.e. late at night snacking with all the ice cream, pickles and 5 Cokes! Or such as, the caregiver attempts to go out with the depressed person, but s/he cannot get her/him to do anything or go anywhere. All s/he can manage to do is sleep or stay in bed. This goes on for weeks. When the caregiver gets up in the morning, and the depressed person slogs in with a "grrr" that is illogical, that is NOT right!!! Remember it is timing also, 1-2 days during a stress-filled time (lost job, lack money, a break up)--well, maybe I would make simple evaluation type comments with love (always), and if the depressed person flies off the handle, then, the caregiver may request assistance, etc...

Caregivers need to consider finding their own support and resources to help them on how to love this sick person, just like other chronic illness, and to improve communication with the depressed person. It is NOT a matter of "snapping out of it" or "questioning why s/he feels bad". The caregivers are often untrained in psychiatry, how can a caregiver speak to his/her depressed loved one until there are resources & support. It is NEVER about the caregiver or his/her loving skills... The clinically depressed person's brain is sick and requires medication, treatment and therapy to work through this condition...

Just like diabetes or high blood pressure, lifestyle changes must be enacted to reach a recovery. There will be slip ups and falling off the horse. But both the clinically depressed person and caregivers need to be patient with the process. Join groups that will support the values of both the depressed person and caregiver, such as Sistah Mental Health & Wellness - online social media resource support groups for African American women who suffer mental illnesses.

Sistah Mental Health & Wellness is private, secure and confidential social media. There is a screening and a membership process for a nominal fee. We would enjoy your presence for the embrace--because you are not alone.

My comments are to help others avoid the pitfalls I faced during my path to recovery. There are several other websites that promote resources and support. But, there is little in the way of cultural competency that my business presents! If you are not in crisis and require a consult, please visit my other website: GYM Right Health/Wellness Coaching and events.

Take care of yourself, and "if you don't have your health, what do you have?"

Dr. Gina M.-S.
Founding Member & President
The Ariafya Universe

Sunday, August 2, 2009

The Ari | af | ya Universe Business Redirect

I had to suck it up, not become personal, nor take it personally, but people are not ready for the full wonderment of The Ari | af | ya Universe. I am required to drag them by their noses and guide them to this extraordinary time for Social Media and the Web 2.0 as it relates to health care--Health 2.0.

The fact is my business is already at Health 3.0 by skipping the baby steps and sometimes, for others, I have to slowdown. Socially, my logic has caused me plenty of grief because people were not ready for what I gave them. Only to find out years later, I was right. I have great consternation against that, but c'est la vie!

So, I have made a business redirect to slow down both my moment and my overwhelming world I really am enthusiastic for people to join!

Having be on social media for nearly 15 years and seeing explode rapidly, we are in exciting times for human communication! For health care, everyone can share their health tribulations and triumphs. People can allow themselves to advocate for their own health care. However, just as much good information is out there, so is there bad information out there! Some health information is grossly inaccurate, some is outright wrong, and some is not grounded in peer-reviewed scientific research. Now, I have been involved in serious scientific research for over 20 years, and I know how to evaluate the scientific merit of most research articles. I see plenty of the "get rich quick schemes", and not enough valuable information to assist and educated people - such as lose weight quickly or nutrition with supplements. There is plenty of mental health information available, the notable are the the key psychological/mental health sites: NIMH, NAMI, APA, ACA, NARSAD, etc. These are excellent mental health resources. Then with the exception of some blogs and formal social media sites, most others sites actually tell people to give up their livelihoods because the only way to be cured from their mental ailment is... (usually what they say). The words "Always", "never", and "only" are very irresponsible comments that can be made by anyone who has professional training. So be mindful of "exacting comments"--what may work for you, may not work for someone else. Something to consider...

As far as mental health and wellness goes, even the professional psychological sites have a paucity accurate information on cultural competencies, health disparities and health diversity communications. From my personal perspective and experiences, most women of African descent seek mental health care until there is an emergency, much like all other serious medical chronic conditions. Along with the stigma of having a mental illness, gross amount of mythology associated to seeking professionally licensed care. If one's suffer from bipolar, then they are truly crazy and one should be shunned, especially by religious support systems like the "Church". I have encountered this in my life's experiences. Then, when one attempts to find professionally licensed care, one can hear grossly illogical statements, such as alienate on social support systems because of their cultural bias or overall lack of connecting with provider-client relationships because false expectations. I encountered this from the professionally licensed provider side...

So for my business redirect I am creating 3 divisions:

Sistah Mental Health

GYMRight - "Get Your Mind-Right"

Mental Health Angel Investment Group

I will be furthering my business plan from this point forward.