Sunday, August 2, 2009

The Ari | af | ya Universe Business Redirect

I had to suck it up, not become personal, nor take it personally, but people are not ready for the full wonderment of The Ari | af | ya Universe. I am required to drag them by their noses and guide them to this extraordinary time for Social Media and the Web 2.0 as it relates to health care--Health 2.0.

The fact is my business is already at Health 3.0 by skipping the baby steps and sometimes, for others, I have to slowdown. Socially, my logic has caused me plenty of grief because people were not ready for what I gave them. Only to find out years later, I was right. I have great consternation against that, but c'est la vie!

So, I have made a business redirect to slow down both my moment and my overwhelming world I really am enthusiastic for people to join!

Having be on social media for nearly 15 years and seeing explode rapidly, we are in exciting times for human communication! For health care, everyone can share their health tribulations and triumphs. People can allow themselves to advocate for their own health care. However, just as much good information is out there, so is there bad information out there! Some health information is grossly inaccurate, some is outright wrong, and some is not grounded in peer-reviewed scientific research. Now, I have been involved in serious scientific research for over 20 years, and I know how to evaluate the scientific merit of most research articles. I see plenty of the "get rich quick schemes", and not enough valuable information to assist and educated people - such as lose weight quickly or nutrition with supplements. There is plenty of mental health information available, the notable are the the key psychological/mental health sites: NIMH, NAMI, APA, ACA, NARSAD, etc. These are excellent mental health resources. Then with the exception of some blogs and formal social media sites, most others sites actually tell people to give up their livelihoods because the only way to be cured from their mental ailment is... (usually what they say). The words "Always", "never", and "only" are very irresponsible comments that can be made by anyone who has professional training. So be mindful of "exacting comments"--what may work for you, may not work for someone else. Something to consider...

As far as mental health and wellness goes, even the professional psychological sites have a paucity accurate information on cultural competencies, health disparities and health diversity communications. From my personal perspective and experiences, most women of African descent seek mental health care until there is an emergency, much like all other serious medical chronic conditions. Along with the stigma of having a mental illness, gross amount of mythology associated to seeking professionally licensed care. If one's suffer from bipolar, then they are truly crazy and one should be shunned, especially by religious support systems like the "Church". I have encountered this in my life's experiences. Then, when one attempts to find professionally licensed care, one can hear grossly illogical statements, such as alienate on social support systems because of their cultural bias or overall lack of connecting with provider-client relationships because false expectations. I encountered this from the professionally licensed provider side...

So for my business redirect I am creating 3 divisions:

Sistah Mental Health

GYMRight - "Get Your Mind-Right"

Mental Health Angel Investment Group

I will be furthering my business plan from this point forward.